Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Chino Fairgrounds Wedding

Brenda & Kevin have been in the planning process for over 3 years.,
In life things are never easy or the same but when love is in the heart 
all possibilities are their.

Life is journey, hearts beat when you see the one you will spend the rest of your life with,
is funny but life just makes those special times all worth while.

Every time their paths got hard they remember  the love they have for each other 
it only makes them stronger in love & in life..
with time the dream will come true., together they made their wedding a reality

A perfect setting for this love that reflects unity & sacrifices..

First Dance

Father & Daughter Dance...Tears of joy

Mother & Son

A perfect setting 

The night was great as they dance the night away.. The Ultimate Experience

Brenda & Kevin Arreola

The Wedding Specialist